Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Worked Example Project - A Screencast about Aggregate Demand

This week I created a worked example for my EDTECH 513 class. A worked example happens when a teacher takes students through the step-by-step process of completing some kind of instructional activity, anything from working out a problem in mathematics or economics to formulating a more freely flowing paragraph. Using screencasts of worked examples are a great way for teachers to differentiate their instruction especially for students who needed a little more time to digest concepts than the regular hours of school allowed. A screencasted, worked example is like a digital extra-help session for many students.

I created a animated and screencasted PPT presentation about "Aggregate Demand." it is one of the major concepts in the AP and IB Economics courses. In my worked example, I begin by defining and discussing "Aggregate Demand," and then I explain a little about why aggregate demand behaves the way that it does. Then I get into the graphing component, which is the actual activity that students will have t be able to replicate on future examinations. I end the video linking students to a Google docs worksheet that allows then to practice their new-found skills in applying the concept of Aggregate Demand.

Throughout the video, I try to consistently use contiguity and personalization principles by being very careful to chunk related visual together and to avoid an overly-academic tone to my narration. I am also very careful to avoid redundancy throughout the video. I hope you enjoy the results.

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